The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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Text File
83 lines
;* This is file demonstrates how to use the BBS Display Codes;
;* First of all, the ;* control marks a line as a comment.
;U This file uses BBS Display Codes
This is regular text. It is displayed, as is, in the colour.
The ;S control starts slow-typing. This is useful for getting people's
attention, though you have to be careful not to over-use it, since it is
fairly annoying. This control can be typed in only at the console.
;U The ;U control underlines things -- or makes them inverse if you have colour
When you have a list of things, you can make the list easier to read by using
the ;L control...
;* Notice how we use the ~ character to indicate what not to underline.
;U Product~~~~Description of Product
SAPPHIRE The Zero-Maintenance BBS. Now anybody can be a sysop!
PYROTO A BBS integrated with a game. Runs as a door or a stand-alone.
VARITALE A multiple-path writing system that runs as a "door".
SPACEINV Arcade game for any display -- mono or color
WEED Cleans up log files downloaded from BBS's
PHONEMEM Memory tutorial
LOVEFIRE Interactive adventure for women only!
HLRB Handy Little Reference Books from your printer
PINNARTX Amazing character-graphic pictures
SV This program, just in case a newer one comes out
SECURE A bogus security system for fooling burgulars
PRESERVE A backup system that you won't mind using often
MEGADIII Very wierd game that programmers may enjoy.
LW Easy-to-learn label printing program.
Finally, you can change the colour of individual lines by using the ;C control.
;C BA Blue on black <-- It helps to have comments
Blue on black background
;C EH Red on LightGray
Green on LightGray
Inverse effects can be useful for making things stand out.
;C HA LightGray on Black
The colours codes are:
A - Black F - Magenta K - LightGreen P - White
B - Blue G - Brown L - LightCyan
C - Green H - LightGray M - LightRed
D - Cyan I - DarkGray N - LightMagenta
E - Red J - LightBlue O - Yellow
BBS Display Codes are an alternative to ANSI displays. You may find that
they makes it easier for you to give your BBS a consistant appearance.
Of course, you can use all line-drawing characters. For example:
│ │
│ │
People who do not have IBM characters will see a translated version of the
line-drawing characters.
Every method used in this file can be used either in messages or in the
various F-*.TXT files located in the BBS directory.
;E This marks the end of the file
You can keep other material down here, after the ;E control.